Photo digitisation service in Vancouver
Turn your precious memories into a digital archive
you can easily share with your friends and family.
Puzzled about what to do with a large collection of photographs, tapes etc? We can help.
We turn your boxes of physical photographs into an easy to use, modern digital format.
Having digital copies of your memories means you can easily share them with family and friends, and preserve them for future generations.
We supply your photographs as print-ready, high resolution files, stored on a secure password-protected USB drive you can use on your PC, tablet or phone.
All you need to do is find and gather your collection and we do the rest.
We either come to you and work alongside you in your home, or can collect and drop off your collection.
Depends on the size of your collection and how organised the source material is. Our rates start at C$50 per hour.
We can digitise collections of any size, on any medium (VHS, DVD, etc).
ⓘ Generally, the more organised your collection, the better (and more cost-effective) the results.